Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Attracting Women: Why What You Wear Matters

Yesterday I was at the grocery store and saw some guy waiting in line. He was in his late 40's, maybe, and he was wearing a pair of pants that looked at least 25 years old.

Worse, they were hiked halfway up his torso because they didn't fit him right.

I checked his ring finger. Yup. Unmarried and alone.

I wondered if this poor fellow knew that any woman who saw those pants would INSTANTLY write him off no matter what kind of man he was. He could be the nicest, most interesting guy in the world and it wouldn't matter on single bit. Those pants were a female repellent.

What's this guy got to do with you? More than you think, brother.

Most men couldn't care less about what they wear, but women are very sensitive to style.

Go check your closet. Is there anything in there that's 10 years old or more? Toss it. It's driving women away.

Look through what's left. Check the styling. Have you been wearing the same style of clothing for your entire adult life?

There's your red flag.

If your style never changes, then what you're wearing is grossly out of date. And when you wear clothing in a decades-old style, women automatically assume that you're an out-of-it loser who lacks social awareness.

Wearing sharp, stylish clothes that fit you well isn't just about looking your best (although that certainly helps with women)--it's also a powerful form of signaling.

What's signaling? It's a way to communicate something about yourself without coming out and saying it.

When you dress well, it tells women that you're a successful man who has his act together. It means you're hip, cool, and with the times.

So now you get a one-two punch--you not only look better, women also naturally assign you positive personal attributes based on your clothing. Because of this powerful combination, upgrading your wardrobe has a huge effect on your attractiveness.

So why do so many men resist looking their best? There are four reasons.

1. They think caring about their looks makes them feminine.

2. They don't want to put in the effort.

3. They don't know where to begin.

4. They think they can't afford new clothes.

So let's look at this list. First, which is more manly-- attracting women or not attracting women? I'd say the guy with the girl on his arm is the winner here, wouldn't you?

Looking your best doesn't mean becoming a pretty-boy who stares at himself all day in the mirror. It's acknowledging and acting upon what women like so that you can attract more of them.

Some guys still argue that it's just not worth the effort, but they're fooling themselves. What they think is that they're sending a carefree, low-maintenance signal to women.

What women are actually thinking is that this is a guy who doesn't care enough to look his best, so he's probably not very thoughtful or conscientious about other things either. And so they instantly decide to take a pass.

The third hangup men have is simply being overwhelmed by having to make decisions about their clothes. Let's be honest, most of us DON'T have a knack for that kind of thing. But that's okay. Because most women DO. So go find one (not your mom) ask her what she thinks looks nice. Then go ask few more so you get a good sample.

You might even consider asking one to help you with your shopping.

Finally, some guys just don't have a lot of extra money to spend on new clothes. Here's the thing, though--you don't have to break the bank on this stuff. Just wait for stores to rotate out of their seasonal stuff and you can save 50% or more on name brand items. Your selection will be a little more limited, but you can definitely find good clothes cheaply if you're willing to hunt around a little bit.

So there you have it. No more excuses. Get up right now and look through that closet. If you're still holding on to your acid washed jeans from 1987, then I'm talking to you. It's time to upgrade.

You may not be able to change everything you dislike about your looks, but you can always change your clothes. There's no easier way to up your attractiveness.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Biggest Mistakes Guys Make When Meeting Girls!

Hello and Welcome Back!

And I have made some really powerful discoveries in Female Psychology and communication. Now I am absolutely going to give you one the most important understandings to have when it comes to meeting women and also when in a relationship. If you don't understand this, you will lose every time!

#1 Women will test you a lot and all the time!

#2 Women associate your behavior with her out to society! (I'll explain in a minute.)

#3 You need to stand your ground, period!

#1 Now, what's going on? The absolute biggest mistake men make when meeting girls is they try to be freaking nice!!! OMG! Stop doing this for crying out loud. Now, I have been teaching men how to communicate with women, to seduce women, pickup on women professionally for over 14 years now, maybe more. And I have got to tell you, the #1 Biggest most massive, huge mistake guys make when going to clubs or lounges or whatever is they think that by being soft and quiet and nice will attract a girl... It won't!

I can tell you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the guys who get the girls and get the girls a lot all have this one thing in common! They are aggressive and make no apologies about it. And they will put a girl in her place if she tests him. And trust me, she will test you! They are literally neurologically hard-wired to test you in public for one reason and one reason only!

They are trying to see if you care what other people think and if you are a good boy who follows rules! Why? The reason, is because if you are more worried about what other people think of you than what you want, then you are not a good Caveman. And a Caveman who is so freaking mentally wimpy that he is worried about what girls or other people think of him in public to the point where he doesn't stand up for himself and call her on her B.S. then he is not a good mate to mate with. She needs a strong Caveman who takes what he wants and doesn't even notice what other people think! Period! That's it!

A caveman who follows rules is a weak caveman and he gets the scraps of society, which means her children with him will also get the scraps of society and will not have the best possible opportunities in life! And that is everything to her Reptilian/Cave girls mating system. Yes, I am dead serious and it has everything to do with her choosing you for sex or not!

What you have to understand, is that for women, when she is at a club or lounge or any place meeting strange men, her smaller reptilian brain takes over and she goes on auto pilot and is under her mating systems control. Yes, I am serious. It's hard-wired into her. So, if you think women are logical and make sense when choosing mates, then you need to wake up and open up your eyes and take a look around. Girls date gangsters, thugs, drug dealers and guys who are not good for her at all; they don't have jobs, ever went to college or worse. Yet, who do you see these girls with?

Now let me rewind just a little bit! Just a minute ago I mentioned mentally wimpy guys do not attract girls, in fact, mentally wimpy guys are a major, major turn off no matter how big and strong you are! How do I know? Because at one point, I use to bench press 365 lbs. for 2 solid reps. And at one point, I was ranked #1 in the United States as a Muay Thai / Kick boxer, a State Champion in Boxing, ranked in wrestling, street fighter, trained in martial arts my entire life and a lot more. Yet, socially and publicly I was a total and complete wimp, especially with girls!

And because of that, I couldn't pick up women for the life of me! Or when I did have a girlfriend, she treated me like crap. And it was the most miserable experience of my life. I did that twice and learned the hard way! Now here's the funny thing. Every now and then I would here a girl say, "Why can't I find a real man, a man who knows how to put me in my place." Or they would say, "Why can't I find a guy who calls me on my B.S.." And I remember inside thinking, "Wow, this girl has problems if she thinks a guy is going to go out of his way to put her in her place or call her on her B.S.!" Yet, I was totally and completely wrong. I heard this for years, read it on dating sites on girls profiles, and on and on. And then one day it dawned on me to ask.

So I started asking older women in their 50's or older about girls and these subjects. And without hesitation, each and every one of them said the same damn thing. They told me, yes, when that girl tests you and tries to make you angry or tests your boundaries, you have to be firm and put her back in her place.

Now this shocked me to no end! I was tripping out inside my head for about a year on this subject. So, I finally started going to clubs and cafe's and book stores where I didn't know anyone. hahaha... I would drive over an hour to find places where I have never been and never will go again. I would approach girls, except this time I would do it with more of a Masculine, manly and with a bit of an aggressive edge to me. I would start a conversation and talk to her. And the minute a girl called me a name or smarted off to me or whatever, I would literally call her on her B.S. and I would do it loudly, in her face, in public and without a care in the world. See, I wasn't there to actually get her number or sex, although that would be a major plus. I was there to see if this actually worked!

And lo and behold, BAMM! These girls would actually smile and get real quite. And another thing I noticed is they would sway their bodies, get coy and their eyes would dilate big time! And they would swoon and melt right before my eyes. hahahahaha... I couldn't believe it.

I was totally and completely shocked because my entire life, I thought I was supposed to be Mr. Polite, nice and be a good boy! Yet, after frustrating years and years of being single or with women who disrespected me, I finally had it and had to try something new. Turns out that it actually turns women on and attracts them mentally, emotionally and sexually when they find a man who raises his voice, speaks up for himself and puts her in her place! Yes, it's a sexual turn on for women!

Now, Testing. This is sooooooooo important for you to understand!

Mother nature hard-wired women to test you a lot, especially when they first meet you and on the first couple of dates, maybe more. See, she is trying to see if you are man enough to call her on her B.S. of being rude or making jokes on you or calling you names. And yes, women will call you names. I had a friend of mine who was at a club with me and he was being Mr. Nice guy. hahahahahah... Big, Big, Big mistake!

So what does she do to him in front of her girlfriends and me? Hahahahahahaha... She says, "Oh, You're Gay!" hahahahahaha... And my friend just froze about died and was so freaking embarrassed! (By the way, women will do this a lot, especially at clubs in big cities. It's a test, so let er rip and rip into her and watch her melt and smile.)

So stepped in and called her a Bitxx. And started attacking her verbally and next thing you know, she smiled, became a little girl and became very sensual with me. And yes, I got a kiss and her number a little while later. So later on, my friend asked me, "Why do girls always ask me if I'm gay!" I start laughing and say, because you are nice!" "I'm serious!" "You've got to hold your ground and speak up!" "And when she says something rude to you, tell her she's fat and desperate or her dress doesn't look good or whatever!" "It's a test for crying out loud."

Ok, look, the other thing, is that if you are Mr. Nice, she will call you on it. By calling you a name or testing you in some way. Now here's the thing. It's a Golden opportunity! She is literally saying inside, "Please, please be a man!" "Don't let little ole me scare you away, I'm a little girl for crying out loud!" She is purposely giving you an opportunity!!! Now take advantage of it, she has practically surrendered to you. Now Take it! She wants you too! Yes, I am serious.

#2 Women associate. That's what women do because they are largely in their right, emotional and associative brain. Well, what does that mean? It means, that whatever you are like with her, is what she will associate to you and then her brain will literally generalize that to what she imagines you are like in the real world!

So, if you are Mr. Nice guy with her, she thinks you are Mr. Nice guy out at the work force and out in the world and in her mind, how can he survive out there if he's this nice! And this is a major, major turn off! So you have to be gruff and aggressive and tough. Now what do I mean?

Don't be so damn agreeable with her. Let her know in a strong way if you don't like something or if you want to go somewhere and she says no, or whatever. Don't give up so easily, freaking make your voice be heard. And inside she will like it and respect you for it. But if you are Mr. Nice, she will lose all respect for you! Period!

I mean, don't be such a freaking wimp, get angry when you are angry. Don't apologize all the time, in fact, rarely apologize. Ok, what I really mean, is when you are grumpy, then act and be grumpy. If she does something you don't like, then tell her in a firm and strong way. Women like this. Seriously watch her smile, then hug you then make love to you and even cook and clean. I'm serious.

And don't always be Mr. Kid gloves with her or kitten gloves, however you say that. Be a Caveman once in a while. I'm serious. Show her you are the boss, it's a huge turn on for her. Even if you just growl like a Caveman as a joke, do it once in a while, there is a system in her reptilian brain that likes this and is assures her and calms her down when you act manly and growl once in a while. And, this is a big one. Literally pick her up and throw her over your shoulder and smack her on the ass and then take her to your bed and make love to her! This is my biggest secret to getting a girl to have sex with me. Works every single time.

And yes, if you are married for crying out loud, do this, she will appreciate it. I am serious!

Ok, so to wrap this section up, you have to understand one important thing. Her body and right emotional brain are literally feeling the feelings you are giving off. So if you are nervous, scared or anxious, she's going to feel that too and it makes her feel nervous and scared and that will make her want to run. Now, if you are coming across as strong, powerful and grounded, calm and confident, guess what she feels? Yep, you guessed it, strong, powerful, grounded and confident and that's a great feeling for a girl to have. So if she feels this when she meets you, then she's going to want to be with you because those feelings turn her on sexually and make her horny, with you. This is what I mean when I say, women associate into you!

#3 Stand your ground, be firm, grounded, and speak up!

Now women can't stand men who are wishy-washy or wimpy and especially do not talk in a low volume. Turn that volume up! The more the better for most guys because most guys are way, way, way to quite and it's irritating because it causes your listener to strain to hear you and that's freaking frustrating in a big, big way!

Oh yes, when you are at a club do not, do not, do not lean in close to talk into her ear because the music is too loud! Hell no! Don't do it! What you must do is raise your volume up and speak loud enough so she can clearly hear you! If you are truly speaking loud and I mean really loud, she can lean into you and listen. That's the way it's done! I am serious!

So be solid and don't let a girl push you around at all. And you lead, not her! So you grab her hand and pull her, not the other way around.

Take these 3 tips into account and watch women smile and move towards you!

Good luck guys! Have fun, laugh loudly and help her have a good time by you being a man!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Meet Singles With Ease Through Mobile Phone Dating Applications

Are you curious to find cute looking singles in your neighborhood and crave to date them instantly? Well, then a mobile dating service is certainly your choice. With growing popularity of iPhone dating applications one can easily seek romantic singles. Gaining popularity of dating on mobile is greatly influencing masses as it has successfully undertaken conventional criteria of online dating services and is becoming large boon for aspiring singles who want to mingle.

With location based mobile phone dating applications one can seek nearby singles as it supports wants of today's demanding generation that finds love, romance and excitement instantly. With dating applications one can easily access dating and flirting with GPRS and mobile net connectivity. If you urge to indulge in the reality of mobile dating to seek someone special or to find a good friend then connect with singles instantly through mobile dating and add an exciting factor to your life. It gives brilliant opportunities of having fun, enjoying chat and flirting using different features available in the application.

Apart from finding attractive dates with mobile dating services, it provides other specific reasons to choose it over online dating sites and conventional social gathering dating. Check out the benefits of mobile dating below:

1. Android mobile dating applications come with unique features which help one to seek nearby dates by simply signing up for a free account. One just needs to set up their account before locating interesting profiles to date them instantly.

2. Application conveniently updates and matches your profile with nearby singles while sending alerts for perfect profile match. One can connect with preferable match and can fix their date as early as one wants.

3. Application comes integrated with Facebook connectivity, which retrieves data from the site only if one chooses to update it before creating their personal account.

4. Person who gets connected with mobile application can choose to share their photo and can easily utilize features available in application such as sending winks, messages and flirty graphics.

5. Norms and conditions of application are completely safe as one gets entire liberty of choosing the group of people with whom you want to share your information and profile with. It's completely user centric and safe as security is guaranteed assured.

6. User can browse through varied profiles of different singles in their vicinity and can arrange instant meeting with the person that interests your mind. Such instant dates give brilliant opportunity to meet singles and give you the opportunity of being yourself.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Dos and Donts in a Long Distance Relationship

In a society where we continue to move our lives to the online world, people are increasingly engaging in long distance relationships. Making this type of relationship work requires a lot of effort from both partners but it is not impossible (although at times it may seem that way). If you follow the guidelines I've written here, you will have a much more fulfilling long distance relationship.


Prepare. You and your partner need to prepare for the long road ahead (it will be long - not matter the duration you'll be apart). Mentally preparing yourself early will help you later on when you begin to feel negative emotions about the relationship. Talk with your partner and have a game plan in case these feelings begin to surface.

Communicate. The common theme of the articles I write emphasize the importance of communication. Communication is quite possibly the most important aspect of any relationship and plays an even larger role in an LDR because 99% of the time, communication is all you have. Express your feelings about the relationship, personal and work life and everything in between often. Don't restrict yourself to only using the telephone - use e-mail and video chat (like Skype) too.

Trust your partner. Trusting your partner is as equally important as communication. Dealing with separation brings forth a lot of emotions and one that you should desperately avoid is suspicion. A solid foundation of trust is an absolute necessity in order to have a successful LDR.

Plan. Plan to meet with your partner at least every three months. Some LDRs are only a few hours' drive away but sometimes they involve being in entirely different countries. It's important to plan on when you and your partner can meet and gives you both something to look forward to. Plan dates with each other on the phone or Skype. I have had countless movie and dinner dates all via video chatting - it doesn't beat being together and smearing brownie batter on your partners' nose but sometimes it's as good as it gets.


Don't violate your partners trust. Degradation in trust can lead to suspicion and other negative feelings that can cripple a relationship almost instantly. It's important to uphold trust and communication as much as you can in an LDR.

Don't suffocate your social life. Having a fulfilling social life will help you ward off the loneliness of missing your partner - isolating yourself from the world will not help your relationship grow. Different people have different social needs and it's important that you express that to your partner while you prepare for and communicate about your LDR.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Afraid Of Losing Your Friendship To Become Lovers?

When your afraid of losing your friendship to become lovers your exploring the fact that you already love this person, because who doesn't love their friends? Is becoming lovers worth losing your friendship? Maybe you're concerned that if it doesn't work out you won't be able to hang out with the group of friends you both hang out with. I've been there and I hope my story helps you figure it out.

In high school at the age of 16 I lost my 19 year old brother and 17 year old boyfriend in a car accident. Needless to say, I was needing my friends to keep me going and that's when my brothers friend introduced me to one of his close friends named Mark who only lived a mile or two from me in rural Kentucky.

We always hung out and would go everywhere together. After about of year of hanging out all the time, I started noticing that I was getting jealous when he would bring another girl along and she was riding in my seat in the front. I had other guys interested in me so I decided to see if I could make him jealous by dating them but he would only do little things like tell them they better treat me right or answer to him, and he even beat up a dude who pushed me once.

In between break ups, his and mine, we would always resume hanging out together, but by this time I knew I was in love with him but couldn't figure out if he was in love with me or not and I found myself wondering if I wanted to screw up our friendship. This guy had seen me go through the loss of my brother and boyfriend and I didn't know if he felt a sense of responsibility, or pity, or what was going on in his heart except he must like my company too.

I was so close with him that I had a terrible nightmare about him being in a wreck and rolling through a field and even knew which road he was on. The next morning I jumped out of bed and called him telling him about this dream I had and to my shock, he told me it had happened and it was on the same road too.

Then one day I was talking to my girl friend and she looked at me and said, "all you've talked about is Mark this, and Mark that, you're in love with him, aren't you?" I don't know why but I started crying and let it all out. I told her how one day it just hit me, like waking up, but I didn't know how to tell him and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. The funny thing was she had always thought Mark loved me but I was the one keeping him away. Being afraid of losing your friendship to become lovers is a very tricky situation. I would always wonder if I kissed him would it be like kissing my brother, or would I see fireworks?

Well my friend and her big mouth went and told Mark everything. She called to let me know he was on his way to my house because he had felt the same way about me. When I answered the door he was standing there with his arms crossed his chest and backed up against the railing smiling at me and he said "well, don't you have something to tell me?" and I went into his arms and I just started telling him how I was afraid of losing our friendship and how I didn't know if he felt the same way and he just kissed me and... I seen fireworks!

We dated for a summer and it was great but we never became lovers because I wouldn't give into him because I was still waiting on those three little words he would never say and that always bothered me but I stood strong and just waited. One Friday night he stood me up and I just knew he had went out with someone else. So Saturday night when he showed up, I broke up with him and he knew why! I am so glad we didn't become lovers because it would have ruined our friendship. Some people can look you in the eye and tell you"I love you" but I knew he couldn't. I love you is thrown around these days like it means nothing but when I was a teenager 30 years ago, it meant "I love you"!

If Mark and I would have became lovers, I would have lost that friendship. That Friday night would have left a scar on my heart that no friendship would ever endure. We are still friends after 30 years and are friends on FB and still keep in contact. He was a great guy, but he just couldn't be faithful. I think I always knew that deep down in my heart and that's why I was afraid of losing my friendship to become lovers to begin with. We always stayed friends and hung out together and I have always loved him and I think he has always loved me... as friends!

When you become lovers you open yourself up completely and become emotionally, physically and mentally attached to your partner and when that relationship fails the friendship is lost also, unless you're one of these people who can do that. I, for one, am an emotional person and could never have withstood the heartbreak of losing my friendship and my lover at the same time.

My best advice on being afraid of losing your friendship to become lovers is to trust your instincts. Ask yourself if you're willing to lose the friendship if it doesn't work out? Remember to be able to love someone else, you must love yourself first. After all, if you don't love yourself then why would anybody else love you?

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.