Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Attracting Women: Why What You Wear Matters

Yesterday I was at the grocery store and saw some guy waiting in line. He was in his late 40's, maybe, and he was wearing a pair of pants that looked at least 25 years old.

Worse, they were hiked halfway up his torso because they didn't fit him right.

I checked his ring finger. Yup. Unmarried and alone.

I wondered if this poor fellow knew that any woman who saw those pants would INSTANTLY write him off no matter what kind of man he was. He could be the nicest, most interesting guy in the world and it wouldn't matter on single bit. Those pants were a female repellent.

What's this guy got to do with you? More than you think, brother.

Most men couldn't care less about what they wear, but women are very sensitive to style.

Go check your closet. Is there anything in there that's 10 years old or more? Toss it. It's driving women away.

Look through what's left. Check the styling. Have you been wearing the same style of clothing for your entire adult life?

There's your red flag.

If your style never changes, then what you're wearing is grossly out of date. And when you wear clothing in a decades-old style, women automatically assume that you're an out-of-it loser who lacks social awareness.

Wearing sharp, stylish clothes that fit you well isn't just about looking your best (although that certainly helps with women)--it's also a powerful form of signaling.

What's signaling? It's a way to communicate something about yourself without coming out and saying it.

When you dress well, it tells women that you're a successful man who has his act together. It means you're hip, cool, and with the times.

So now you get a one-two punch--you not only look better, women also naturally assign you positive personal attributes based on your clothing. Because of this powerful combination, upgrading your wardrobe has a huge effect on your attractiveness.

So why do so many men resist looking their best? There are four reasons.

1. They think caring about their looks makes them feminine.

2. They don't want to put in the effort.

3. They don't know where to begin.

4. They think they can't afford new clothes.

So let's look at this list. First, which is more manly-- attracting women or not attracting women? I'd say the guy with the girl on his arm is the winner here, wouldn't you?

Looking your best doesn't mean becoming a pretty-boy who stares at himself all day in the mirror. It's acknowledging and acting upon what women like so that you can attract more of them.

Some guys still argue that it's just not worth the effort, but they're fooling themselves. What they think is that they're sending a carefree, low-maintenance signal to women.

What women are actually thinking is that this is a guy who doesn't care enough to look his best, so he's probably not very thoughtful or conscientious about other things either. And so they instantly decide to take a pass.

The third hangup men have is simply being overwhelmed by having to make decisions about their clothes. Let's be honest, most of us DON'T have a knack for that kind of thing. But that's okay. Because most women DO. So go find one (not your mom) ask her what she thinks looks nice. Then go ask few more so you get a good sample.

You might even consider asking one to help you with your shopping.

Finally, some guys just don't have a lot of extra money to spend on new clothes. Here's the thing, though--you don't have to break the bank on this stuff. Just wait for stores to rotate out of their seasonal stuff and you can save 50% or more on name brand items. Your selection will be a little more limited, but you can definitely find good clothes cheaply if you're willing to hunt around a little bit.

So there you have it. No more excuses. Get up right now and look through that closet. If you're still holding on to your acid washed jeans from 1987, then I'm talking to you. It's time to upgrade.

You may not be able to change everything you dislike about your looks, but you can always change your clothes. There's no easier way to up your attractiveness.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

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