One of the greatest mistakes a man can make in dating is to project his male thinking on to a woman. One masculine trait he projects is a sense of fairness!
He can't figure out why this comes back to bite him - why the girl responds in such a self-centered way in response to fairness. The simple fact is that fairness is a male invention!
Men have been the providers for women and children for the evolutionary eons, so they tend to feel guilty if everything is not shared in a fair and equitable way. With power comes responsibility, as they say.
Women are different. Their evolutionary survival strategy has been to get men to give them their share of the spoils of hunting for their survival and that of their children. Men had the power and access to food and resources, while women were impaired by their own needs for survival.
Today it comes down to this: if you are too fair to a woman you may bring out a string of unpleasant conclusions about you including the following: She will think you're only doing it to please her. She will be the one placed in the power position. What is actually a noble thing will be seen as a weakness. She will come to the conclusion that it is okay for her to steal the fruit of your "hunting labors," and believe me, she will.
This may be the main reason for the failure of your relationship: at one point you decided the way to please a woman was to appease her. Then you had the nerve to wonder why you get no thanks and why she seems to demand more more from you.
Ask yourself if you have ever thought at some point in your relationship, "What the hell is going on here? The more I give, the more she takes!"
This process goes on and on until you get weaker and weaker and she decides she wants out of the relationship, taking with her half of your property!
No matter how sexy a woman may be, and no matter how great the two of you may get along at the moment, she must be reminded not to be too selfish -- not in words but through your subtle actions.
In truth, a woman can only be truly altruistic towards her own children.
So you have to train her how to relate to you in a different way. Don't expect her to suddenly internalize fairness on her own -- it won't happen.
That doesn't mean that you can't teach a woman how to relate differently with you, just that she will never internalize fairness in the same way you do.
When a normal man feels he is taking advantage of a woman, he tends to feel guilty. This is a part of his chivalrous nature. He unconsciously goes about increasing the gain for the other person and reducing his own until he feels that things are "fair" again. He tends to build an altruistic balance.
A woman, in contrast, when she realizes she is involved in a one-way relationship in her favor, typically tries to perpetuate the situation. When her children are in trouble, however, if she is normal, she will be willing to sacrifice everything.
This isn't being nasty on the part of the woman; it is merely a matter of self-preservation.
So if you set up a relationship with a woman in which you try to be "fair" to her in all matters, she will take you for everything you've got, down to the last penny. Instead, you need to constantly be teaching her how to give you the things you want in exchange for the things you're giving her. You must be sure that what you share with her is not for free. In short, you must teach your fairness and altruism towards you.
When you do this you gain respect; in effect your showing that you can hunt around and you can also hunt her!
How do you do that? Like this:
You need to send her the subconscious signals that you do what you do for her only if you are treated well in return. If she stops giving, you stop providing.
Be specific in telling her what you want from her. For example, in the case of sexual relations, you need to be specific about how you want her to love you, the way in which you want to be touched, and to openly tell her what pleases you.
You can be specific and how you want her to behave toward you socially, for example not to put you down around others, talk about embarrassing things, and so on. You are her prince, she is your princess, and you should treat each other accordingly.
If you get sucked into the downward spiral of giving her all that she wants or asks for, you will be brought down into a black hole and her attraction and respect for you will go down with you. As an alpha male, you cannot rest. If you try to please her too much, she will take it as a sign that you wish to rest and stop hunting (read: providing for her). Put your energy into seduction and never enter into a relationship where you are made weaker.
The ability to understand the deep psychological differences between a man and a woman is a very important skill for a single man who wants to seduce women to gain a wonderful girlfriend.
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