Thursday, September 8, 2011

Issues With Male and Female Communication - How to Communicate Properly

Do you ever have problems communicating with your boyfriend or husband? Do you ever feel as though you are talking to a brick wall? Do you want to know how you can communicate in a more effective manner?

Communication is the key to any marriage or relationship. However, it cannot be just any type of communication, but rather clear communication. Unfortunately, men are sometimes just not very good at communication and women then have to step up to the plate and be the leader. The reason why is that male and female communication tends to be different because we go about talking to each other in different ways. The good news is that there are plenty of ways where male and female communication can come together to some common ground.

Make Time

It is important in male and female communication to make time to sit down and really talk to each other. Couples will make time for everything else, so why not set aside some time each day in order to see how the other one is doing. In addition, make sure this time is a priority between the two of you and don't let anything interrupt it. In other words, don't talk while sitting in front of the TV, but maybe while relaxing outside or over a nice dinner. Make sure to discuss what is going on with friends, family, work or whatever else strikes your fancy.

Be a Good Listener

Listening is more important than talking and a key when it comes to male and female communication. It is always a good idea to practice active listening and it may require some getting used to. The key is to allow the other person plenty of time to make their point. In addition to listening, also pay attention to body language and concentrate on the eyes to find any deeper meaning in what the other person is saying. This is important because nonverbal communication can be just as important as verbal communication. Often, other meanings are hidden in the way that we use our hands and our bodies when talking.

Show Your Partner that You Care

When males and females communicate, show respect for the other person. This can be especially important if you are talking about a problem with your relationship. Speak clearly and only after carefully considering your words and how they will affect your partner. No matter how tough a talk is, always show that you care and that you do love each other.

It Takes Time and Patience

It can take a lot of time to figure out how males and females communicate. Remember that while you might be good at expressing your feelings, you need to be just as good at listening to your partner. You should always strive to give your partner the attention they deserve while in a conversation and don't try to dominate it or just pretend that you are listening. With a little practice and patience you will soon be an expert.

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