Monday, October 3, 2011

Are You Under His Thumb?

In spite of the fact that we are living in a world where both males and females have equal chance of leading successful lives and careers, women are still enduring power struggles with their significant others and always battling for control in their dating lives.

It doesn't matter how sweet or how empathetic a man is, some of these men are still trying to control their women despite the fact that we live in a liberal society.

Why is that you may be asking? Why are so many men still hung up on turning their ambitious and goal-driven girlfriends and wives into homemakers and baby-poppers? Is it because they were taught to be the providers in family? Is it to reassure their women that they are all they need in life? Or perhaps it's to make sure they don't get bored of them. The reasons are endless, unnecessary and inevitable in today's world.

Every day, women give up their independence and freedom to hang out with their single ladies and to pursue their own goals in order to please their insecure men. They give up their rights to live happily because of the fact that they are taken care of their boyfriends and husbands that bring home the bacon instead of having the strength to leave their controlling relationships. They sit back and accept the fact that a man's status determines the status of their relationships instead of fighting back.

It is important to negate what you were taught as a child. Women shouldn't have to be defined by their sexuality and men should put their egos aside and realize that they don't have to be the ones with the financial responsibilities in the relationship.

We live in a time where women get credit, vote, get a higher education and raise children out of wedlock without being condemned for their actions. However, women are still suffering when it comes to self-perseverance. Unfortunately strong-minded women suffer the most because of this and it is simply because independent women who are able to take care of themselves frighten the sh*t out of men.

If more women could learn how to control their own romantic relationships and lives, they would learn how to fight. They would learn how not to be so insecure and they would KNOW when to leave.

Overcome your fears and insecurities and take control of your life now!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

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