Friday, December 23, 2011

The Secrets of How to Attract Hot Women: Body Language Basics and Seduction

Fact: Body Language is in constant communication with those around you.

Well over 50% of your communication is in the form of non-verbal as opposed to about 8% coming what you actually do say.

With that in mind, how aware are you of the major part of what you're putting out there? It's a very easy thing to not only overlook but to be completely unaware of.

We've all heard the saying: "It's not so much WHAT you say, but HOW you say it."

For instance, it's much more difficult to judge a person via text messaging or online but very easy to misinterpret someone as well. Why? It's because we don't have those all important non-verbal cues that we subconsciously rely on every minute.

You might have all the game in the world online but your body language isn't part of the equation in that world. Take the same words out into the real world without an awareness of the non-verbal cues you're sending and you just might crash and burn.

Body Language is extremely important in order to sexually attract women. There is an equally important aspect of Body Language as it regards what SHE'S putting out, but for today's article, we're focusing on YOUR Body Language.

The Basics:

1.) Smile!

Easy to forget this one! Salespersons will tell you what you instinctively know. A smile disarms people and puts them at least somewhat at ease. It tells people on a sub-conscious level that you're okay.

What you want to project is that you're a happy, confident man enjoying her company. It works. Try this out for yourself. Start smiling at random people during the day. Not a cheesy smile but a genuine one. People usually smile back.

2.) Eye Contact

"Hey, I'm up here buddy!" For god's sake don't stare at her chest. You really need to work on this one. When she catches you doing it, you have just become another of the drooling pigs that she encounters each and every day. Don't do it to yourself.

Maintain the eye contact in conversation. Not too heavy. Don't stare, it's intimidating. Nod. Smile. Be engaged! Eye contact can make very lasting impressions on people in any situation. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Keep that in mind.

Just keep a rough 70% rule in mind. That's about the optimum amount of time in a conversation for eye contact.

Anyone ever tried "speed dating"? Check this out. There is a type of speed dating that's catching on. No words; just looking into each other's eyes. What'll they think of next?

3.) Sit Up Straight!

No. I'm not channeling your Sainted Mother. It's just solid advice. As a guy you can get away with a tiny slouch, but be aware of it. A straight upright stance projects good things.

Look at any successful film actor. Good posture is all a part of presence. Do you think proper posture wasn't part of their training? Believe it. It projects health and well-being.

Not to mention what dear old mom said, "It's good for you."

4.) Gesture with OPEN palms.

It projects friendliness. Do you know the reason for the handshake that developed thousands of years ago? Its purpose was to show that we held no weapon. Non-Verbal communication at it's most basic.

This piece of advice you won't get anywhere else.

When the open palm gesture is combined with some other subliminal seduction techniques, it can really be a winning combination (studies show that the open palm gesture can even give you a 50/50 chance of getting out of a speeding ticket).

How's that for news you can use?

So in conclusion, when speaking with a girl and trying to make a point that puts a good light on you, or even to defend yourself (for example she thinks your just running your "usual game".) Keep your arms in front of you with palms up.

It works on a sub-conscious level to project honesty. Use these simple secrets of attraction with a smile for it to work effectively.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

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